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Functions (beta)

Papercups now allows you to write custom scripts to be executed on our webhook events.


Below are some examples of common use cases for taking advantage of Papercups Functions.

The code below will just include the handleMessageCreated logic, and omit the boilerplate:

const papercups = require('@papercups-io/papercups')(
async function handler({event, payload}) {
switch (event) {
case 'message:created':
return handleMessageCreated(payload);
return {event, payload};
async function handleMessageCreated(message) {
// Implement me!

Respond to test messages#

If a user sends a message that starts with the string test (e.g. Test, testing, test test test), respond with Success!.

// ... See boilerplate above!
async function handleMessageCreated(message) {
const {body, conversation_id} = message;
if (body.toLowerCase().startsWith('test')) {
return papercups.messages.create({
body: 'Success! :rocket:',
type: 'bot',
return null;

Direct users to your pricing page#

If a user sends a message that includes the string pricing?, reply with a link to the pricing page.

// ... See boilerplate above!
async function handleMessageCreated(message) {
const {body, conversation_id} = message;
if (body.toLowerCase().includes('pricing?')) {
return papercups.messages.create({
body: 'View our pricing at [](',
type: 'bot',
return null;

Assign agents based on context#

If a user sends a message that includes the string sales, automatically assign the conversation to the salesperson on the team.

// ... See boilerplate above!
async function handleMessageCreated(message) {
const {body, conversation_id} = message;
if (body.toLowerCase().includes('sales')) {
const [salesperson] = papercups.users.list({email: ''});
return papercups.conversations.update(conversation_id, {
return null;

Coming soon#


Some of the methods below are currently in alpha, but will be publicly available soon!

Send alerts triggered by messages from premium users#

When your team receives messages from premium customers, you can trigger alerts to Slack/SMS/email so that someone can respond right away.

// ... See boilerplate above!
async function handleMessageCreated(message) {
const {body, customer} = message;
const {metadata = {}} = customer;
const isPremiumCustomer = metadata.subscription === 'premium';
if (isPremiumCustomer) {
const notifications = [
channel: '#notifications',
text: `New message from premium customer: ${body}`,
to: '+16501234567',
body: `New message from premium customer: ${body}`,
to: '',
subject: `New message from premium customer`,
body: body,
return Promise.all(notifications);
return null;

Schedule an away message to be sent#

If no one from your team is able to respond to a new message within 2 minutes, send an away message.

// ... See boilerplate above!
async function handleMessageCreated(message) {
const {conversation_id} = message;
const [initialConversationMessage] = await papercups.messages.list({
limit: 1,
const isInitialMessage = initialConversationMessage?.id ===;
if (isInitialMessage) {
return papercups.messages.create(
body: "We're not available at the moment, but we'll get back to you as soon as we can!",
type: 'bot',
schedule_in: 2 * 60 * 1000, // 2 minutes
cancel_on: 'agent_reply', // Cancel scheduled message if agent replies in the meantime
return null;